
     公司以“科技创造未来,品质服务健康”为经营宗旨,为客户提供最优质的产品,最优秀的服务,以科学技术为先导,力求成为国内外一流的体外诊断试剂及医疗器械供应商。 期待与国内外同仁精诚合作,携手共进,共同发展,为医疗事业的发展和人类的健康不断努力。
Guangzhou Zhanquan biological technology Co., Ltd. is located in Business Center of Dongpu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City. We are the agent and distribution with all kinds of advanced vitro diagnostic reagents and medical equipments which come from manufacturing enterprises at home and abroad. Meanwhile. The company is expert in the field of biotechnology research and development. being the cooperator of medical institutions in research collaboration and has achieved some results.
With the business purposes of “the science to create the future, the quality to serve the health ", the company committed to provide customers with the best quality products and service, and strive to become the first-rate supplier of vitro diagnostic reagents and medical equipments in the world. We are looking forward to cooperating with domestic and foreign colleagues, and making contributions to the development of human health care.