产品名称:SpermFunc® DNAf 精子DNA碎片检测试剂盒(SCD法)
编  号:233817-959
型  号:233817-959
产品名称:SpermFunc® DNAf 精子DNA碎片检测试剂盒(SCD法)


SpermFunc® DNAf采用精子染色质扩散法(SCD)检测原理,根据光晕的有无和大小判断精子DNA碎片化程度,对不育、自发流产、胚胎停育的病因分析以及妊娠结局的预测和辅助生育助孕方式的选择具有重要的临床意义。


 采用优化的方法学,结果特异,精子尾部结构清晰,易于判别。
 配套设计了各种用具,操作更具人性化。
 操作简单快速,1小时内可完成检测,普通光学显微镜下观察结果,无需特殊设备,易于临床推广应用。
 产品包装为40T/盒,相比进口产品经济实惠。
 采用先进的专有工艺,检测灵敏度高于进口同类试剂,稳定可靠,效期两年。
 采用独创的标本保存技术,克服了必须采用新鲜精液立即检测的烦恼,精子标本至少可保存15天而结果不受影响。便于实验室批量化检测和提高工作效益。
     研究表明,2种精子DNA碎片化检测方法:TUNEL法(末端转移酶介导的dUTP末端标记)和SCD法(精子染色质扩散),均与SCSA法(精子染色质结构分析)有很强的相关性(r>0.866; P<0.001)。AOT法(吖啶橙染色)与SCSA法没有相关性。SCSA法、TUNEL法和SCD法对不育男子精子DNA碎片检测的结果与对捐赠精子的检测结果有显著差异(P<0.05),而用AOT法检测精子DNA碎片在不育男子精子与捐赠精子之间没有差异(P>0.05)。结论:SCSA法、TUNEL法和SCD法对DNA碎片检测有相似结果,AOT法检测结果有较大波动,且出现染色模糊、易褪色,混杂染色等问题,检测结果偏高,用于临床检查有争议。(K.CHOHAN,J.GRIFFIN,M LAFROMBOISE,et al. J Andr. 2006,27(1):53-9)

  所有超过6月-1年不育的男性
 有自发流产史
 男方年龄超过40岁
 吸烟者
 服用某些药物
 癌症治疗患者
 暴露于毒性环境
 泌尿生殖系感染
 考虑行精索静脉曲张术者


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        2. Enciso M, Muriel L, Fernández JL, et al. Infertile men with varicocele show a high relative proportion of sperm cells with intense nuclear damage level, evidenced by the sperm chromatin dispersion test. Journal of Andrology 2006;27(1): 106-1.
        3. Fernández JL, Muriel L, Goyanes V, et al. simple determination of human sperm DNA fragmentation with an improved sperm chromatin dispersion test. Fertility and Sterility 2005;84(4):833-42
        4. KAZIM R. CHOHAN, JEANINE T. GRIFFIN, ET AL. Comparison of Chromatin Assays for DNA Fragmentation Evaluation in Human Sperm. Journal of Andrology 2006;27(1):53-59
        5. Bungum M, Humaidan P, Axmon A, Spano M, Bungum L, Erenpreiss J. and Giwercman A. Sperm DNA integrity assessment in prediction of assisted reproduction technology outcome. Human Reproduction 2007;22:174-9.
        6. Payne JF, Raburn DJ, Couchman GM, Price TM, Jamison MG, Walmer DK. Redefining the relationship between sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation as measured by the sperm chromatin structure assay and outcomes of assisted reproductive techniques. Fertility and Sterility 2005;84:356-64.
        7. Evenson DP, Jost LK, Marshall D, et al. Utility of the sperm chromatin structure assay as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in the human fertility clinic. Human Reproduction 1999; 14:1039-49.
        8. Spano M, Bonde JP, Hjollund HI, Kolstad HA, Cordelli E, Leter G. Sperm chromatin damage impairs human fertility. The Danish First Pregnancy Planner Study Team. Fertility and Sterility 2000;73:43-50.
        9. Larson KL, DeJonge CJ, Barnes AM, Jost LK, Evenson DP. sperm Chromatin structure assay parameters as predictors of failed pregnancy following assisted reproduction techniques. Human Reproduction 2000;15:1712-22.
        10. Larson-Cook KL, Brannian JD, Hansen KA, Kasperson KM, Aamold ET, Evenson DP. Relationship between the outcomes of assisted reproductive techniques and sperm DNA fragmentation as measured by the sperm chromatin structure assay. Fertility and Sterility 2003;80:895-902.
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        12. Boe-hansen GB, Fedder J, Ersboll AK, Christensen P. the sperm chromatin structure assay as a diagnostic tool in the human fertility clinic. Human Reproduction 2006;21:1576-82.
         产品编号:BRED-002             规格:40测试/盒             保质期:二年
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